martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

Use cell-phones in classes

The use of cell-phones in classrooms is a debate, since on the one hand it can bring many benefits and on the other hand it can disadvantage classes.

The arrival of cell-phones throughout the world, quickly reached the hands of adolescents, and consequently to classrooms. Its use brought good and bad news, either as a support to learning or a distraction to learning.

According to multiple researches throughout the world, cell-phones have proven to help students and teachers in the learning process. This is because students often need to look for meanings and questions that the same teacher gives them, and thus not interrupt the class (since they do it silently). Teachers also sometimes do not know all the answers and seek support in their cell phones (without causing any interruptions in the search).

On the other hand, the misuse of these cell-phones in classes can direct students to a simple distraction, since teenagers are also easily tempted to use social networks instead of looking for information, making a mess in the classroom.

In conclusion to all the referred, the use of these smart cell-phones will always depend on the circumstances and the educational environment, since you can never be sure with certainty if the student used it for learning or fun. Therefore, it will be up to the teacher to choose the use of cell-phones in classes.

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Use cell-phones in classes

The use of cell-phones in classrooms is a debate, since on the one hand it can bring many benefits and on the other hand it can disadvantag...