martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018

Post 2: Biographical data

My name is Nicole Espinoza I am a student of the career Nursery Education in the faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Chile, in the present, second year course, that is to say the fourth semester of the race, until now I have advanced all the assignments and gone through a variety of experiences... I choose the Nursery Education career because of the constant interest in childhood and everything related to it, to fight for the rights of children and help contribute to a good in the future.
In 2015, I left a gastronomy technician in my school (Maipú's professional technical education center), since there were no nursery school technicians in my sector, since my passion was coming a long time ago. However, my other option was graphic design, but I always wanted to relate it to childhood, therefore Educación Parvularia was the final decision.
For some years I am a great defender of the rights of the most vulnerable people in society, children and animals, helping through online campaigns or learning about forums in my university
I currently live in Maipú with my family (mother, father, sisters and brother) and with my dogs Donnie and Tommy, and At the moment I only hope to finish my studies well to graduate and work in classrooms in public kindergartens.

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