lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

The line graph: Money spent on books

This graphic shows the money spent on books specifically in the country of Germany, France, Italy and Austria, through the US dollars (millions) in relation the years 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005. This graph is a simple statistic that any person can understand to compare monetary results of their countries.
First in the description, Germany in 1995 start with 80 dollars spent in books, and this increased slightly towards the 90 dollars in the year 1999, then decreased a bit in 2003 and went back up again in 2005. France in comparison started from the 55 dollars increased a little until 1999, then went up slightly to 70 dollars in the year 2001, this stabilized until 2003 in increased again a little until 2005. It is also found Italy than in 1995 with 50 dollars went up just a little to 55 dollars in 1997, which was resulting back to 50 dollars in 1999 until that then increased subsequently to 65 dollars in 2005. The last indicator is that of Austria, which of 30 dollars quickly rose to 40 dollars in 1999, this figure stabilized until 2001, since in 2003 it grew drastically to 60 dollars, until 2005 that again increased slightly to 70 dollars.

Finally, it is analyzed that most of the indicators of the countries began in a gradual increase, to then go through different paths (increasing, declining or stabilizing), however, all statistical lines conclude in an increase in spending on books. This means that in these four countries there was an increase in reading comprehension, interest in reading or even an appreciation for what is written. Just maybe for this reason these countries have developed faster than others.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Why it's important to be champions?

The idea of the video seen positions the importance of relationships in education, since there are many reasons of why children drop out of school, but we never talk about human relationships, that is, what really matters in education. The education is built in relation to relationships, because no learning is created without relationships. 

As teachers we have the role of leaving a legacy of relationships with students. Moreover to being its champions, for being his second image after the family. In consequence raising self-esteem and telling students positive comments, what they really are and motivating them with the phrase "I am someone in the life". Therefore, we should not be just evaluators, and make fail exams, the important thing is to tell them that they are capable and that for the next they can do it again. In addicttion, the role of relationships in the classroom is to closer the educator and the student to understand the other to create something new. 

Finally a discourse marker in the video is that "The teaching and learning must bring joy" for a child to feel capable, love his life and want to contribute to the world, since the learning should be part of life and not just an obligation.. Maybe it is a difficult path, but we are educators and we can make a difference.

Use cell-phones in classes

The use of cell-phones in classrooms is a debate, since on the one hand it can bring many benefits and on the other hand it can disadvantag...