martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

Use cell-phones in classes

The use of cell-phones in classrooms is a debate, since on the one hand it can bring many benefits and on the other hand it can disadvantage classes.

The arrival of cell-phones throughout the world, quickly reached the hands of adolescents, and consequently to classrooms. Its use brought good and bad news, either as a support to learning or a distraction to learning.

According to multiple researches throughout the world, cell-phones have proven to help students and teachers in the learning process. This is because students often need to look for meanings and questions that the same teacher gives them, and thus not interrupt the class (since they do it silently). Teachers also sometimes do not know all the answers and seek support in their cell phones (without causing any interruptions in the search).

On the other hand, the misuse of these cell-phones in classes can direct students to a simple distraction, since teenagers are also easily tempted to use social networks instead of looking for information, making a mess in the classroom.

In conclusion to all the referred, the use of these smart cell-phones will always depend on the circumstances and the educational environment, since you can never be sure with certainty if the student used it for learning or fun. Therefore, it will be up to the teacher to choose the use of cell-phones in classes.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Essay 1: The importance of education in the growth of a nation.

The education covers many fields of knowledge, knowledge that society has developed in the course of history. Therefore, to ask ourselves about the importance of education in a nation, is to ask ourselves about the development that we each have today, from the cabernicolas groups to the citizenships. Therefore, I propose that the education shows great changes in humanity, since culture, spirit, values, economy and technology.

First, the education enriches the culture in the course of time...

A second aspect is that the spirit of the people rises...

Is is important that the values are also favored...

Also, it has been shown that the economy is the fastest growing in a country with education...

On the other hand, education increases new technologies...

In conclusion...

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

The line graph: Money spent on books

This graphic shows the money spent on books specifically in the country of Germany, France, Italy and Austria, through the US dollars (millions) in relation the years 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005. This graph is a simple statistic that any person can understand to compare monetary results of their countries.
First in the description, Germany in 1995 start with 80 dollars spent in books, and this increased slightly towards the 90 dollars in the year 1999, then decreased a bit in 2003 and went back up again in 2005. France in comparison started from the 55 dollars increased a little until 1999, then went up slightly to 70 dollars in the year 2001, this stabilized until 2003 in increased again a little until 2005. It is also found Italy than in 1995 with 50 dollars went up just a little to 55 dollars in 1997, which was resulting back to 50 dollars in 1999 until that then increased subsequently to 65 dollars in 2005. The last indicator is that of Austria, which of 30 dollars quickly rose to 40 dollars in 1999, this figure stabilized until 2001, since in 2003 it grew drastically to 60 dollars, until 2005 that again increased slightly to 70 dollars.

Finally, it is analyzed that most of the indicators of the countries began in a gradual increase, to then go through different paths (increasing, declining or stabilizing), however, all statistical lines conclude in an increase in spending on books. This means that in these four countries there was an increase in reading comprehension, interest in reading or even an appreciation for what is written. Just maybe for this reason these countries have developed faster than others.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Why it's important to be champions?

The idea of the video seen positions the importance of relationships in education, since there are many reasons of why children drop out of school, but we never talk about human relationships, that is, what really matters in education. The education is built in relation to relationships, because no learning is created without relationships. 

As teachers we have the role of leaving a legacy of relationships with students. Moreover to being its champions, for being his second image after the family. In consequence raising self-esteem and telling students positive comments, what they really are and motivating them with the phrase "I am someone in the life". Therefore, we should not be just evaluators, and make fail exams, the important thing is to tell them that they are capable and that for the next they can do it again. In addicttion, the role of relationships in the classroom is to closer the educator and the student to understand the other to create something new. 

Finally a discourse marker in the video is that "The teaching and learning must bring joy" for a child to feel capable, love his life and want to contribute to the world, since the learning should be part of life and not just an obligation.. Maybe it is a difficult path, but we are educators and we can make a difference.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

post 3: Introduction

Nowadays the establishments in Chile have different resources in the physical spaces, for example in the courtyards, classroom, bathrooms, coffee shops, study areas, etc.. We see change of all type, since more welcoming spaces, more extended places, elevators, more levels floors, stronger structures, on the other hand. Even through of the creativity, like inclusion murals that promote the diversity of students. 
Significantly important advances for the present, since a decade ago Chile did not have so many supports for the schools, and i did not have the necessary knowledge for the inclusion of the different capacities of the students through of the pedagogical spaces. Therefore, it is interesting to see how each year emerge more didactic spaces.

However, we continue to see changes based on integration instead of inclusion through the creative spaces mentioned above. Through only physical changes we focus only on integration, since the children are considered within the physical educational space, but are not fully welcomed, this is where enters the inclusion and not the integration through the physical spaces in the establishments.
The inclusion transcends beyond, inclusion means that all people have their own abilities and potentials, different from those of others, so that different needs demand different answers. Inclusion seeks to encourage and guarantee that every person is part of an educational group and does not remain separated within it. This shows that implementing creative physical spaces for the students with any disability only guarantees their access, but they really still feel excluded, marginalized and discriminated against, because they look and see them as people with problems or abnormal.
No doubt there is an intention to collaborate with the education and help students feel more comfortable and happy, but what really we do not realize is that the children are not happy, they feel marginalized.

Proposed solution:
The inclusion begins accepting differences, celebrating the diversity and promoting equitable treatment of each student and not only rebuilding the establishment's infrastructure, therefore, for to respond to a complete diversity we must realize that inclusion is for all and not only for students with any educational need based on the disability (making a student exclusion).
This means that, principally must be made a change of conscience, in informing the educational community that we are all different and that no one is superior to the other. Therefore, to open our minds you can make talks, forums, brochures, a day of inclusion, etc., show that we are all different and not just students with other physical realities.

Imagen relacionada

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018

Post 2: Biographical data

My name is Nicole Espinoza I am a student of the career Nursery Education in the faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Chile, in the present, second year course, that is to say the fourth semester of the race, until now I have advanced all the assignments and gone through a variety of experiences... I choose the Nursery Education career because of the constant interest in childhood and everything related to it, to fight for the rights of children and help contribute to a good in the future.
In 2015, I left a gastronomy technician in my school (Maipú's professional technical education center), since there were no nursery school technicians in my sector, since my passion was coming a long time ago. However, my other option was graphic design, but I always wanted to relate it to childhood, therefore Educación Parvularia was the final decision.
For some years I am a great defender of the rights of the most vulnerable people in society, children and animals, helping through online campaigns or learning about forums in my university
I currently live in Maipú with my family (mother, father, sisters and brother) and with my dogs Donnie and Tommy, and At the moment I only hope to finish my studies well to graduate and work in classrooms in public kindergartens.

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018

Short description, monday 10th

Dear Stephanie
I hope you are very well. 

I will describe my friend to you called Katy for a lease. First, my friend is 20 years old, she is a young girl. She currently does not live with her family, since she lives with her boyfriend, however she usually visits her family, (her mother with her stepfather and her little sister). She studies obstetrics in a high school, she is a good student.

On the other hand, Katy is a person very responsible, therefore you should not worry about that. Also, she is very nice and sociable, and a very good friend with whom you can talk about the life.

It is important to mention her hobbies and interests, she loves the sports, likes to read books, watch movies and go out with her friends and boyfriend, really is a girl with diverse interests for share.

Finally, she does not have many negative aspects, but sometimes you may not follow the rules when you impose them in a bad way, since she is a free girl. 

I hope you read my mail and answer me. 
Kind regards.


martes, 14 de agosto de 2018

BLOG 10: English Language Challenges

Hello my friends, how are you?... I hope you are very well!

Today I will talk about my experience writing English blogs every week. First, I must say that never before I had written a blog or a long text type in English, because in the school I did not have many English classes, I even stopped having it in the second half, therefore this experience was a bit difficult for my. 

Read the comments of my colleagues I liked a lot, because I felt that they were understanding me as well as practicing them too. for this reason, I suggest to consider more activities written in English, since in my case they helped me a lot, for example, letters, blogs, stories, etc. and that they remain at all levels. therefore, I can now feel that I have a little more experience writing in English.

In relation to the university, I believe that all this experience of English served me, but not so much because I think that an English course in the university with many other subjects to study, is very difficult because never we will put all the attention to the English subject. On the other hand, I think English is not very necessary now for me and my life, but to improve it I admit that I should practice it more often. 

Finally, I think I do not use English very much outside of class, because I honestly do not like to get out of my comfort of using my original language, however, there are exceptions like listening to some songs, watching subtitled movies or buying on EBay.

That's all, thank you for your attention, regards. 


 Resultado de imagen para escribir blogs

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

BLOG 9: Changes to my study program

Hello friends, i hope you are very well! 

Today i'm going to talk about the changes to my study program, very important changes that must be taken into account...

The changes that have to be made that I think are most important and urgent in my career are about the program of studies, from changes within the curriculum to the external evaluations of the career that are made at the end of the career.

First,. I think that the curriculum should be evaluated and give more importance to the subjects than the best learning of the children, that is, subjects that have to do with what is lived in a newspaper in a kindergarten, like the artistic, expression, observation, practicality, among others, that today are tools that we are now needing and that in the future are not seen either. Nor should we eliminate these areas, but at least leave them in the background. An idea for these changes could be to re-evaluate the hours of each subject from the most important to the least important and modify them, but it would also mean that the voice of the students should be assessed, for example through surveys, talks, etc. so that it is a fair and consulted change.

On the other hand, I also think that it would be important to evaluate the realization of strict exams at the end of our career, since the students of nursery education must go through several evaluations before receiving a professional degree. in my opinion a test more or less does not define the professional that you are, since a test of mathematics at the end of the race for example will not give you more or less tools for your future. however, to give all these exams of mathematics, language, social sciences or of all the subjects that you had in the university ... is a sad reality of our country, for that reason I would like a change.

That's all, thank you for your attention, regards.


martes, 31 de julio de 2018

BLOG 8: A subject I have enjoyed a lot this semester!

Hi my friends, I hope you are very well. 

Today i going to talk about my subject I have enjoyed a lot this semester. To begin, my favorite subject of this semester is Practice 3: Problematization of Learning Experiences, First Cycle. 

The Practice is a subject that teaches you various knowledge of the professional field, mainly practical, since gives you the tool or instruments basic and necessary to face our career, since this subject is based on going to the educational centers, such as kindergartens, hospitals, libraries, toy libraries, etc., places where an educator can to job in her area. A subject that tries to provide experience for the future work that I will do, since it inserts you from the first instance to the professional field to experience the real work with the children. Although this subject does not have specific contents, in this semester it was sought to problematize about my own body and emotions, that is to see how I felt in my practice, what were my emotions, how to dialogue with  the children and educational personnel, etc., therefore, In my classes I made many observations about everything I experienced from the point of view of my sensations, corporality and emotions.

On the other hand, the reasons for my choice and that I like this subject more than others is mainly that I think that the practical subjects are the ones that help the most to know the reality in which you are going to live, those that will take away the doubts of following or not on time or those that will give you the most important experiences that they will make you reflect. Nevertheless, the theoretical subjects are not less important, also are a base.

Finally, I would like continue be amazed for this subject every semester... 

That´s all, thank you for your attention!


Resultado de imagen para educacion parvularia

martes, 24 de julio de 2018

BLOG 7: An Expert on my Field

Hello my companions, I hope you are very well, because I am excellent. 

Today I'm going to talk about María Montessori, an important character for my career, Nursery Education at the University of Chile.

First, María Montessori was born in Italy on August 31, 1870 and died in holland on May 06, 1952. She was a woman worried for the childhood, graduated in pedagogy and medicine, therefore its theoretical foundations are based mainly in the biology. 

On the other hand, this great woman contributed in many areas of the education, like in didactical games, environments in the nature. songs, dances, instruments of reading, evaluations, among others, even to create the famous montessori method, a methodology based on nature, the love and the game, with the purpose of promoting the integral well-being of the child. 

So, I'm interested in this topic because it is a fundamental guide that ypu have to know in our training for the future practices pedagogical, thus learn this method helps us to understand childhood since different ideas, for example, in think the achild as a subject with a wonderful capacity for absorption; consider the role of the adult present in all the childhood; always prepare the environment for foment the learning physical, psychological and social and never remove or avoid the game in the life. 

That's all. thank you fot the attention, I hope you have a good day.


Maria Montessori.jpg

Use cell-phones in classes

The use of cell-phones in classrooms is a debate, since on the one hand it can bring many benefits and on the other hand it can disadvantag...