First, my reasons for doing a postgraduate course are mainly to get more experience, also to have a better job later or to acquire more knowledge in my training. However, I have never thought about it well because of my bad economy, but it is always an option.
Although I still do not think it very well, I think I would choose arts subjects to specialize, since I love art focused on my career, for example, the analysis of children's drawings, how they express their emotions there, etc. . Therefore, I could choose a postgraduate course of analysis of drawings of children. On the other hand, I would like to study in Chile because here I have my family and my boyfriend. On another occasion I would like to study full-time, but if I think about it well I could also choose a part-time course, maybe to take advantage of working.
Finally, I would like my future postgraduate course to help me work in a renowned artistic area, such as a garden with an artistic stamp or create something non-traditional. Also, I have thought about creating my own kindergarten focused on art, so it would be essential to have a postgraduate support, it would be very good for my curriculum.
That's all friends, thanks for the attention, regards.

Hi, Nicole! I think an art postgraduate course is very interesting!