martes, 10 de octubre de 2017


Hello, today i will talk about photographs, what fun!

I consider myself a lover a photograph, so in my free time register many photos. Nevertheless, i do not have a camera, but my cell phone has excellent quality in the photographs. When i usually take photographs them i collect the in folders of the laptop or sometimes i send them to reveal, it is beauthiful feeling when they are given to me printed.

Now, i want to write about a photograph that i took yesterday monday ten of october in the window of my second floor bedroom located in Maipú, you can see a great sunset with many colours orange, yellow and pink, also the contrast is very striking. Always from my window i see beautiful ladscapes, but this particular picture i love because i looked at the sky and looked at nature in its splendor. I think it´s the most beautiful thing that can be recorded digitally.

That's all, kind regards.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Nicole, how are you?
    the pic you took is very beautiful! i love see the sunset.
    See you tomorrow, take care.

  2. Hello Nicole, your post seems very interesting and I like that in your free time you can take photos, I sometimes even print some photos. Finally, I love your photography, it's a beautiful landscape
    he fondly kisses Cony.


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