martes, 24 de abril de 2018


Hello my friends. Today i will talk about the importance that have the animals in my life...

First that all, i chose this topic because since that have memory i like the animals and the protect with all my heart.

I remember when i was little girl and i wanted to have many pets, in my house i had dogs, cats, turtles, pigeons, rabbits, etc., it was really fantastic for me.

Now, i have a dog called Donnie, it is very cute, i was given it two year ago and since then i consider like my dear friend of the life, really I dream that my friend live many more years, i love dogs. Nevertheless, if i had to choose to be an animal in my life, i would like to be a panda in a habitat of the Asian continent, because i love that beautiful place. Regarding their habitat, I think they should not be in a zoo, because they are also living beings that deserve freedom.

Finally, one day i would like to travel to a place wild, to know many animals. I too would love to help groups animalistas, for the well of planet.

That's all friend, kind regards.

Resultado de imagen para osos pandas

martes, 17 de abril de 2018


Hello, how are they? I am very fine...

Today i will talk about why did i choose to study my career.

First, my dream when i was a child was to be teacher of early childhood education, because always i liked to teach children in their important period of development (when the child to begin to talk, walk, run, explore, play, know, etc.). The first stage... really important.

The interesting is that when i went in the high school i wanted to study graphic designer related to fashion, because i liked draw and paint, and also in that time saw  many fashion magazines and including i created my fashion drawings.

Nevertheless, i decided to change my decision of to design for to teach, because really i want to make a change in the society, besides a that i love to help to the childs. On the other hand, my experience at university is good and comfortable, because i think that the university atmosphere invites you to study in union.

Finally, the job that i would love have in great part of my life would to work in a school with schedules at morning, since i think that is a little stressful to work at late.

That's all my dear companions, kind regards, good bye!


Resultado de imagen para educadora de parvulos

martes, 10 de abril de 2018

POST 1: A country I'd like to visit

Hello everyone again my dear friends, how are you? I am very fine…

Today i’m going to talk about a country I’d like to visit. I would love to travel a South Korea, because is my dream since that I have memory. Everything started when I was I girl and saw a comedy Korean in the TV with my sister, since that moment I liked South Korea.

South Korea is a country very beautiful, in culture and geography, because they care about their environment and the image of country. Also, the people are very open minded, because living in an environment very developed, for example in the topic of genus, sexuality, stereotype, clothing, music, foods, thoughts, etc. On the other hand, what I would like to do is buy a lot clothes and accessories in various places in the country like Seoul, Busan, Gangnam-gu, Bucheon, Jeju, etc.

I would love live for a little time in South Korea, because I want to fulfill my dream, also because I love the adventure, but the language is the problem (is very difficult learn the native Korean). Nevertheless, it would serve me as a beautiful experience of live.

Finally, I hope to meet that fantastic country someday, the hope is never lost…

That is all friends, see you later, kind regards.

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